New Release: Geoff Berner

March 8, 2011 § Leave a comment

“We’re all trying to put out a vision of Jewish culture that’s the opposite of the conservative, knee-jerk pro-Israel, judgmental bullshit that’s emerged in recent decades.”

On his fifth full length album, klezmer musician Geoff Berner tackles social issues and movements in modern music culture.  He attacks religious extremists and their completely devout ways as well as the hipster culture and the way they sing ambiguous lyrics about seemingly nothing when there are so many social and political injustices going on in our world everyday.

The album, Victory Party, was released today and it sounds like a mix between fast indie punk and Jewish-klezmer party music.  Geoff has certainly blurred some genre boundaries and he might turn a few pretentious upturned noses his way in the process.  Here’s “Wealthy Poet” from the album, enjoy!

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