Cuban Cowboys release Diablo Mambo today

November 9, 2010 § 2 Comments

The Cuban Cowboys are muy interesante and I have no objections to their self-propagated origin being described as the “bastard love-child of Ricky Ricardo and Tom Waits.”  Their new album, Diablo Mambo, encompasses all from storytelling to danceable rhythms to punk-influenced guitar to comedy.  Hialeah Jorge, vocalist and guitarist, delivers tales about abuse and castration in the song “Cajones” all while keeping a delightful smile on his face.  Whereas “Liberace Afternoon” is a deliriously pleasing tune with the catchiest chorus I’ve heard in a while.  If only I knew what he was saying…

Liberace Afternoon by user3318062

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§ 2 Responses to Cuban Cowboys release Diablo Mambo today

  • pastafari says:

    Liberace afternoon

    Yeah daddy used to like Mambo, she used to play a Sarzuela
    Walking around in her dressing-gown, her lonliness behind the piano

    Tabacco is smoked in Cuba, but not in this house.
    Papi did not like her, behind the piano, with her sassy self

    Liberace afternoon, I remember watching you
    Liberace afternoon, play the piano in your room
    Liberace afternoon, candelabra, fancy suit
    Liberace afernoon, I find myself still missing you

    The fury of an old, beat-down slipper teaches a child to keep a distance
    As a child, I did not understand her, she always said I had the Devil in me

    The neighbors never complained because the sound was so beautiful
    It was the only mouth she could not feed – the hunger of her memory

    Liberace afternoon, I remember watching you
    Liberace afternoon, play the piano in your room
    Liberace afternoon, I threw tantrums you threw brooms
    Liberace afternoon, I find myself still missing you

    (*) A Spanish traditional song

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